Latest Press Release
Florida Ambassadoll Karen Grey Delivers Dolls to Zoe Terry
Heart felt philanthropy was the order of the day at the 2018 Jazz In the Gardens’ Women’s Impact Luncheon and Empowerment Conference. As women gathered to hear a panel made up of power-filled women, the likes of Tracey Wilson Mourning (Founder of Honey Shine Mentoring Program), Julie Guy ( Morning host - 101.5 LiteFM), Miko Branch (Co-Founder Miss Jessie’s hair products) and Sopie Aluko (Actress – latest role, Shaman in the Black Panther Movie), they came together to bring black dolls for Zoe Terry, founder of Zoe’s Dolls. Full Press Release Here
Khoudia Diop, aka: the Melanin Goddess becomes a Black Doll
Wanda Smith Becomes a Black Doll
Misty Copeland Becomes a Black Doll
Lovely Hoffman Becomes a Black Doll
Mama Doll celebrates 10 years with the Ambassadoll Awards
Gabrielle Union Becomes a Black Doll
Haute Doll Magazine (pictured above) ends its 30 year publication reign by putting
The Black Doll Affair's story on its cover and marking the first time a Black Doll appeared on the cover.
For being "sweet" to and in the black community, Taye Diggs and Shane Evans present The Black Doll Affair with their Choc-Star Award.
Taye Diggs & Shane Evans become Black Doll Brothas
President Barack Obama presents his Volunteer Service Award to The Black Doll Affair
Danny Strong, who wrote "The Butler", becomes an Honorary Porcelain Pal / BlackDoll Brotha.
At the 60th Anniversary of Brown vs. Board, Cheryl Brown becomes a Black Doll.
The State of Georgia proclaims Black Doll Affair Day
The Black Dolls are invited to the White House
The Black Doll Affair receives a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition
by Congressman John Lewis
Atlanta Councilman Kwanza Hall becomes a Black Doll Brotha
Georgia Senator Nan Orrock becomes a Porcelain Doll
House Representative Margaret Kaiser Becomes a Porcelain Doll
Macy's, Inc. becomes a Black Doll Affair Diversity Partner
Mama Doll and Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed, are presented with The Spirit of Sweet
Auburn's "Legends, Heroes & Heroines" Award.
The Tom Joyner Morning Show Interviews Mama Doll and spotlights
The Black Doll Affair ... Twice!
Mattel partners with The Black Doll Affair
Essence Magazine (Online) Spotlights The Black Doll Affair
Stacy McBride-Irby becomes a Black Doll
moves outside of its Atlanta headquarters into most states
While designing Barbie at Mattel, Stacy McBride-Irby creates S.I.S Doll (So in Style),
the first Barbie doll devoted to a black girls' likeness.
Mama Doll creates the Ambassadolls, the leadership group of TBDA
The Black Doll Affair opens in Washington, D.C.,
The Black Doll Affair grows out of Atlanta and into South Florida
December 2007
Mama Doll launches The Black Doll Affair (TBDA) on Meetup in Atlanta, GA.